Assault Defense Attorney in Paterson New Jersey
Former Prosecutor Fighting for the Accused in Passaic County
Assault accusations are circumstances that can lead to criminal charges. Whatever led to the charges – a verbal dispute that escalates to a physical confrontation, a bar fight, or a domestic violence situation – you must act fast to protect your rights and your freedom. Assault charges can have severe penalties, leaving you with a permanent criminal record that can affect your ability to get a job or a professional license.
If you or someone you love is facing assault charges in Passaic County, hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer is an essential first step to protecting your rights. Attorney David L. Pine is prepared to examine all aspects of your case to determine the most effective defense. Assault defense lawyer David L. Pine can answer your questions, explain your options, and immediately begin preparing your defense strategy.
Contact our office at (973) 427-7444 to arrange for a free initial consultation about your case today.
Assault Cases in Passaic, Bergen, Hudson, Morris and Essex County
Assault Cases in the Cities of Paterson, Hackensack, Jersey City, Morristown, Hoboken, Montclair, and Newark

Assault involves knowingly or recklessly causing or attempting to cause bodily injury to someone or menacing them in such a way as to make them believe they are in danger of imminent bodily injury. Simple assault is a disorderly persons offense, and is punishable by up to six months in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000.
Aggravated assault is a more severe charge that can involve the use of a deadly weapon, which may be charged as a fourth-degree, third-degree, or second-degree indictable offense. Penalties for aggravated assault range from 18 months up to 10 years in state prison and/or fines of $10,000 up to $150,000 depending on the degree of the offense.
The Law Office of David L. Pine can defend you against any type of assault charge, including:
Aggravated Assault
Simple Assault
Sexual Assault
Aggravated Sexual Assault
Assault with a deadly weapon
Domestic assault
Have Attorney David L. Pine Help You
Whether you are facing charges of simple assault, aggravated assault, or even aggravated sexual assault, you can rely on Attorney David L. Pine to protect your rights throughout the legal process. As a former Passaic County senior assistant prosecutor, he knows how prosecutors build their cases, and he can put his 30+ years of experience to work for you while he fights your charges.

If you were charged with assault/aggravated assault in Passaic, Bergen or Morris County, or a surrounding area, trust your case to David L. Pine, Esq... Our Passaic County assault lawyer has over 30 years of experience practicing law, including time as a former senior assistant prosecutor. He knows the ins and outs of the criminal justice system and what it takes to achieve the best possible result.